Buck-a-Bulb Program

A wonderful illuminating project of the Los Gatos Community Foundation, Inc. was the raising of funds to completely re-light the Town Christmas Tree in the plaza with energy efficient, colored LED lights. The existing incandescent lights were replaced with more than three times the amount of LED lights. This not only provided more lighting on the tree, but will also reduce energy consumption by more than 50%.
With the generous support from P.G. & E. and financial donations from the community at large, the project was completed for the community to enjoy the new lights at our annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony in December 2008.
In December 2009 the Los Gatos Community Foundation, Inc. supported the Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad by lighting all of the railroad passenger cars with LED lights!
Our next illuminating project will be the trees along Santa Cruz Avenue. The trees will be relit with LED lights donated by the Foundation, P.G. & E. and the town's people this spring. The town's public works department will be trimming the trees and will take that opportunity to remove the incandescent lights and replace them with LED lights.
Everyone can help Los Gatos go Green by making a tax-deductible donation to this project. Contact Sharon Childs, LGCF Executive Director at 408-399-3131 (major credit cards accepted).
Stay tuned for our next ILLUMINATING PROJECT!