Grant Application Guidelines and Form
Each year the Los Gatos Community Foundation, Inc. accepts applications for grants. The deadline is May 1st in order to be considered for grant awards that are granted in September of that same year.
Applications should be mailed to:
P.O. Box 1089
Los Gatos, CA 95031
Organizations applying for a Los Gatos Community Foundation, Inc. grant must submit a completed application which includes the following information:
- The purpose for which the grant is requested summarized in a brief statement of mission
- A copy of the IRS letter of designation, commonly known as a 501(c)(3)
- A current list of board members with affiliations
- Financial statements for the two previous years
- Organizational operating and project budget
- Grant amount requested
- Timetable for project implementation
- Expected results: who will benefit and how
- Method of evaluating project effectiveness and communicating results to donors
- A list of sources and amounts of other funding obtained, pledged or requested for this project
- Plans for continued funding, if project will be ongoing
Notification to the Applicant of Funding
After the May 1st deadline all applications are reviewed and decisions regarding funding requests are made. Because of the volume of requests received, there may be some delay in responding to applicants. All applicants will be notified of final decisions by either mail or telephone.
We would like to thank all of our applicants for their efforts to enhance the quality of life in our community.
Grant Application Form
Grant Application Form [645kb] (print, fill out, and mail)
Grant Application Form [666kb] (fill out online, print, and mail)